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My                     Story

Hi there!

I am Jen, the person behind the camera.


I've always loved videography. As a kid, I always wanted to hold the video camera during home videos, in fact I'm sure many of our old family videos feature my young voice asking "can I hold the camera please?". In grade school, during our tech days I remember I was assigned a project to recreate a movie trailer for Charlie's Angels using clips and sound effects and I fell in love with editing. Later, I had to film a sequence with my group as a project and I vividly remember flipping through the careers info pages and landing on Cinematographer and thinking "thats what I want to do!". As I neared post secondary, I wanted so badly to pursue my film interests but I was just too young to understand how to create my own opportunities. I took a different path of study but continued to find ways to be involved in film. I worked free gigs as a production assistant on small projects while living in Toronto, I took a film class for my one and only elective, I bought endless books and screenplays and was always trying to learn more about everything film; from storyboards and screenplays to audio and editing. I even volunteered at TIFF just to help fill the void. My plan was ultimately to finish post secondary and then I would go to film school. I had many fights with my parents about it but I was determined. Just as I graduated, I met my now husband and life moved pretty fast. A wedding and a couple of kids later I found myself still yearning for a career in film. With an incredibly supportive partner backing me and and rooting me on, I finally dove in and started Sollé Films! 

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Why me?

Taking a moment that happens once in a lifetime and preserving it forever, that's what we're all about.

So what sets me apart?

I am so passionate about capturing aspects of your life and turning them into beautiful artwork that draws emotions out of you and transports you back to that exact moment in time. Whether it's your wedding, the birth of a child, or your family together at home; being able to relive the swell of your chest as you look at your baby boy for the first time, the love on a husband's face as he watches his wife give birth to their child, the lump in your throat as you see the love of your life walking towards you in a white dress, your father's voice as he tells you how much he loves you. Film was a way of capturing aspects that nothing else can. The way your partner moves, their mannerisms, your child's voice, the coos of a newborn baby. Well, there's nothing quite like that is there?

I make films that show you how beautiful your life is. Films that make you feel something

Sollé Films

Videographer | Filmmaker | Boutique video production

Weddings | Small Business Commercial Branding & Promo | Birth | Interiors | Real Estate

Toronto | GTA | Oshawa | Durham | Available for travel worldwide

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